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dirac equation中文是什么意思

用"dirac equation"造句"dirac equation"怎么读"dirac equation" in a sentence


  • 狄拉克方程式
  • 狄喇克方程


  • Multi - symplectic method for the dirac equation
  • The asymptotic estimations of solution of initial value problem are obtained for dirac equation by use of the transformation matrix operator in this thesis
  • A class of exact solutions of the dirac equation are obtained for an electron in the electromagnetic field of a wave guide formed by two pairs of hyperbolic cylinders
  • At the other hand , we can perform the rrpa calculation with the continuum replaced by a set of outgoing single particle resonances , it indicates that the resonances in the continuum play an important role in the description of nuclear dynamical processes , such as collective giant resonances . energies , widths and wave functions of the single particle resonant continuum are determined by solving scattering states of the dirac equation with proper asymptotic conditions for the continuous spectrum in the r ' elativistic mean field theory . the relativistic regular and irregular coulomb wave functions are calculated numerically
用"dirac equation"造句  


In particle physics, the Dirac equation is a relativistic wave equation formulated by British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928. It describes fields corresponding to elementary spin-? particles (such as the electron) as a vector of four complex numbers (a bispinor), in contrast to the Schr?dinger equation which described a field of only one complex value.
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